Saturday 23 September 2017

Wannacry key

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WannaCry Ransomware

Wannacry key :-  !nd_bOkBTEdDnNaYLX7RuAxr220DsflzH07uf9fvQtHc

WannaCry, originally named as WanaCrypt, having aliases of Wana Crypt0r and Wana Decrypt0r, is a ransomware wormon Microsoft Windows (can be run on Linux via WINE) that uses two NSA-leaked tools that has wreaked havoc in airports, banks, universities, hospitals and many other facilities. It has spread to some 150 countries worldwide, mainly Russia, Ukraine, and India. It is not decryptable as it uses RSA-2048; thus, the only way to retrieve files is by backup or directly paying with Bitcoin equivalent to $300 USD. Required payment increases to the Bitcoin equivalent of $600 USD after 72 hours since the initial infection of the PC. 7 days after the victim's infection, the malware will start deleting the computer's files.
There seems to be another ransomware that some may refer to as the "successor of WannaCry", EternalRocks.

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